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Date   : Sat, 23 Oct 1999 12:30:39 +1300
From   : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Questions

Hi ,

I've got hold of a few more BBCs and that were on their way to the dump
along with an Electron w/ Plus 1 & 3 and a 64K turbo upgrade of which I had
never seen before. The Electron works perfectly but 2 of the BBCs do not.

2 of the BBCs are Econet only machines. The issue 7 motherboard tracks are
a much brighter green than other BBCs I've seen and one has blue IC sockets
for the ROMS.  Were there Econet only machines released by Acorn, or are
these from some different batch that have only had Econet fitted
afterwards? Just curious.

One of the BBCs has a Solidisk 32k s.w.e. ram board in it but I don't have
the Solidisk software to load the board up. Can someone please send me a
disk image of the utilities that originally came with this?

As I said before, 2 of the BBCs don't work. All they do when switched on is
to blow the (newly fitted) fuse. I was wondering if there were common
problems that I could check first?

Finally, I have put together a simple program that will write a DFS image
file sector by sector back to a 5.25 inch disc.
It only runs on a RISC OS machine, but if anyone would like a copy, please
email me privately.

Thanks very much,


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