Date : Tue, 05 Oct 1999 19:19:03 +0000
From : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Re: RGB Monitor Cable pinout
I have 2 different monitors that have the same plug.
1) SANYO CD3320N
They are both standard RGB monitors (ie. not multi-scan). The SANYO was
originally connected up to an Electron and the DSE one was connected to a BBC.
The male plug that goes into this socket looks similar except that it's
just a straight rectangle shape.
| |
| o o o o |
| o o o o |
The female plug in the monitor actually has angled slots as well where
I have drawn the pins below. Up close it's more like this:
/ / / /
o o o o
/ / / /
\ \ \ \
o o o o
\ \ \ \
Don't worry too much if you can't find any info. I just thought someone
might have had the info close by.
> > The plug on the back of the monitors looks like this:
> > ______________
> > |_ _|
> > | o o o o |
> > _| o o o o |_
> > |______________|
> A very interesting design - did you get them of an iMac :-)
> Seriously though, how about the make / model of the monitors. I might be
> able to help you then. Also were they with a specific computer originally ?
> Mark
Michael Foot <mikef@... >