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Date   : Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:24:17 +0100
From   : Gareth Boden <Gareth.Boden@...>
Subject: Re: Netiquette (was RE: Elite)

Okay, well as a first point, don't quote the whole of someone else's message
at the bottom of yours, just keep any bits that are relevant. Some people
pay for downloading that useless text.

As a second point, if you're replying to something on the list, don't
include their email addresses in your reply AS WELL as the list e-mail
address: you did that with this message to which I am replying (shown

As for other stuff, well you seem to have written rather immature and
big-headed things before which have wound a few people up, but that's really
just other people on this list being intolerant, so I wouldn't worry about

Mostly it's just a case of remembering that many people on this list are
busy people and don't like reading pointless messages; they also don't like
paying for stuff they've already seen unless its relevant.

This kind of netiquette applies to most discussion forums on the Internet.

Hope this helps,

Gareth Boden
Software Developer

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