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Date   : Wed, 22 Sep 1999 14:24:25 +0100
From   : hick@... (gARetH baBB)
Subject: Re: TCP/IP

In message <10.199909211800.TAA11693@...>,
          C.J.Thornley@... (you) wrote:

> used instead is a standard Prestel/Videotex 1200/75 link to a PC with a

> onto a service from there it would telnet to an account and feed the VT200

Erm, you want to use Viewdata to talk to a VT100 [I'll take VT200 as a
typo] shell account !?

The easiest thing would be to either use a VT100-ish terminal (few of them
about) or write a termcap/terminfo profile which more closely matches the
capabilities of a BBC terminal.

And then you just connect it at whatever max baud rate you can get away
with, usually 19200, sent up a *getty in inittab and off you go.

To help things along you could use 'screen' on the un*x, this does a good
job of matching programs which expect to output vt100 to the underlaying
termcap capabilities - I use this to run vt100 stuff on Wyse 50 terminals.

The trouble with putting a stack on a Beeb is that you would then have to
develop an enviroment which allowed for multiple applications (telnet, ftp
etc.) to run at the same time. Though certainly not impossible, it would
probably be far more work than the stack itself.

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