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Date   : Wed, 15 Sep 1999 05:08:34 -0700 (PDT)
From   : Mr Ee <mr__ee@...>
Subject: Re: Elite

>Yes I read about that multi-user Elite thang.  I look forward to it's
>release and I hope it's for all platforms apart from the PC.
Well I think you will be disappointed. Please we don't really want
anti-PC feelings being vented here. This is not the place.
Also any manufacturer that released a game for all platforms except the
PC couldn't really expect to make very much profit.

>I hope to get it converted to BBC
You mean convert it yourself ? From my understanding of your abilities
so far from your previous posts I would definately suggest a rethink of
this. Or do you simply mean pester someone else to do it ?

>so 8-bits can join that plathoera of 32-bit
>machines battling it out over cyberspace!! 
The BBC is at the moment not capable of making a connection (directly)
to the internet, especially for something as graphics intensive as a

> Was the Master version just
> like that?  Could you or anyone  point me towards a code hack for the
> Model B versions of the original and Elite A which makes the 
> screenplay in colour, I'm a little sick of b&w.
Are you really so niave that you think that a code hack for the BBC
Elite is available. I mean, if it was possible to have it in color
don't you think that Ian and David would have done it ? Why do you
think there the original is B & W ? Perhaps it was due to memory
constraints on the BBC. Colour needs more screen memory than black and
white. Because this means more data this also means a little more power
is needed to update and transfer the data.

If you had really done your homework and looked around you will see on
Ian Bells web page an Elite image for the BBC micro. This contains the
BBC co-pro version which is essentially the same as the master version.
Before you say that you haven't got a co-pro, pcBBC can also emulate a
BBC with a co-processor attached. Try it. You can only really learn by
trying to do things.


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