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Date   : Mon, 30 Aug 1999 22:29:56 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Fixed a beeb... but 

> If you leave it long enough trying to talk to another machine (eg
> shift-n-break) does it give an error?
No it was just hanging.

> Check that the FIQ link is correctly set.  If the machine just
> waits forever with no error this is probably a likely suspect.
What is the FIQ link ?

> Does it have a disk upgrade
> fitted (or one recently removed)?
I am fairly sure that one will have been removed. ... rumage... rumage, aha,
an 8271 and assorted bits. Yep. Everythings working fine now. Brilliant.
Really brilliant. It is a nice feeling to revive a presumed dead machine.
So it must have been that link that you mentioned. I had a quick look at the
Service manual but the list of links to set for the Econet and DFS upgrade
didn't make me any wiser. The only thing I can think of that makes sense is
that the DISC NMI (link 9) was still enabled though the interface was no
longer fitted.

> What issue of motherboard is the machine?  On early ones (issue 3
> and below, maybe issue 4 too)
Just 1-3 according to the SM.

> there were some mods needed; they might have
> fallen off
or just have nodded off :-)

Now to solder that wire back onto the BNC connector. Many thanks Phil. One
down, one ever so temperamental beeb to go. I'm going to need more econet
cables at this rate :-)


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