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Date   : Sun, 29 Aug 1999 01:05:12 +0100
From   : Iain Williamson <Iain@...>
Subject: Re: PS/2 Mouse on the BBC

In message <RvZicHAy4wx3Ewsb@...>
          Stuart William McConnachie <stuart@...> wrote:

> I have now successfully butchered a PC PS/2 mouse and connected it up to
> my BBC, and I am pleased to be able to report to you all...
>         ***** IT WORKS !!!!! *****

Nice work!

I'v taken the liberty of passing some details (like the pinout of the
IDC header) to Stuart Tyrrell. Looks very like he'll be able to provide
an out-of-the-box solution for plugging a PS/2 mouse into one end, and
the other end into the user port. (The arrangements you describe are
almost exactly what's inside my Acorn mouse - except it's all on a PCB
made by Logitech).

His solution will also make it easy to use two-button mice, and simulate
the middle button, I think. (as well as plenty of other features, I
shouldn't wonder)

I leave it up to the individual to decide which Stuart's approach they

I suggest you get in contact with Stuart Tyrrell if you might be
interested in one of these boxes; so he can investigate further and
make sure it all works. <mailto:Stuart@...>

  /""\       Iain Williamson
 C  oo      Software engineer 
 _(  ^)
/    ~\

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