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Date   : Mon, 09 Aug 1999 22:51:35 +0100
From   : Graham Bisset <graham@...>
Subject: Transfer of discs - STATUS

Hi folks,

Well I started transferring over my discs using XFER.
So far, so good (although I'll need to make a mod to
XFER to get it to understand Challenger's 0B/0C drives!).

I've already transferred over most of my Music 500/
Music 5000 discs (including software for the 500/5000).
I've amassed 28 discs worth so far and still about 14
discs to go.  A fair amount of Music stuff I'm sure you'll

Not sure what I'll be doing with it all or whether I can
put it somewhere for folks to copy down, but it will all
be in SSD image files.

After I've done the music stuff (which I guess I'll be
finished by about Wed/Thurs), then its only another 
40 discs of games/utils etc to go (can't wait!).

Of course, there is some duplication in the music stuff,
but that can't be helped.

Sadly, my Challenger seems to be misbehaving, although it
seems to read ok, if you try and write to the disc it
renders it useless.  I've lost 4 discs through this before
I realised what was happening.  This had a fair amount of
Music and other stuff on it :-(  I've also come across some
old Acorn/Micro user discs from as far back as Sept 1988 !

Anyway, enough for now.  Any questions/comments just let
me know.


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