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Date   : Mon, 02 Aug 1999 17:17:35 +0100 
From   : Jon Bloomfield <Jon.Bloomfield@...>
Subject: Econet hardware

Has anyone out there got any econet h/w (clock/terminator/socket boxes) they
would be prepared to sell ?

I want to set up an network between two BBC's (and eventually my PC), and
would prefer to use the real boxes than attempt to build them from the

Also, if anyone has the econet h/w installed in a BBC B, but doesn't ever
expect to hook up a network, I would be interested in buying the chips. I
have managed to get hold of most of the chips, but some are only available
in 10+, or 25+ quantities and I'd like to try to find an alternative before
forking that kind of money. Specifically, I need :-

	IC93  - 75159
	IC97  - 74LS74

I really need 3 each of the above (Since I'm gonna steal the circuit and use
it in a PC interface board). I'm quite happy to buy the whole chipset if it
seems too much hassle for just a couple of chips.

Of course I'm assuming these chips are socketed like the disk interface,
otherwise it's a lot of effort to get them out.



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