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Date   : Sun, 25 Jul 1999 18:04:44 +0100
From   : Steven Flintham <steven@...>
Subject: Re: Images on a BBC

On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 01:58:20PM +0100, Graham Bisset wrote:
> So, my question is this, since the Challenger has a 256K RAM
> disc, is there any software that I can use to create the .SSD
> files on the *BBC* ?  This would make it much easier then I
> can create the files on the RAM disc and then Xfer them across.
> (a lot of the discs have disc faults and Xfer seems to choke
> when copying an entire disc at once).

The program I knocked together to help me transfer my BBC discs to my
PC will probably do what you want; it uses OSWORD &7F to read the
source disc and just outputs the raw data to an ordinary file. If the
RAM disc appears as an ordinary drive, I guess you could just use the
appropriate drive specifier when it asks you for the filename for the
disc image. It doesn't cope particularly well with disc faults, though
- maybe you could enhance it to do that yourself? Let me know if you
(or anyone else) wants a copy; it's only a 2K BASIC program.


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