Date : Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:41:24 +0100 (BST)
From : Frank Lee <frank@...>
Subject: Re: Making disks from disk images
On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, James Fidell wrote:
> Quoting Jon Bloomfield (Jon.Bloomfield@...):
> > DFS searches the disk, but doesn't run the !BOOT script. I'm fairly
sure the
> > contents of !BOOT are OK, cos I can run it with *EXEC !BOOT
> > What have I forgotten ?
> *OPT 4,<something>, I think
Yep - *OPT 4 sets a flag on the disk indicating whether to use !boot and
what to do to it:
*opt 4 0 : Ignore !BOOT (default)
*opt 4 1 : *LOAD !BOOT
*opt 4 2 : *RUN !BOOT
*opt 4 3 : *EXEC !BOOT (probably the most useful).
Just as a matter of interest, has anyone come across a *opt4 1'd disk? I
don't recall ever having seen one, or thinking of a situation where it
might be useful.
Frank Lee | for internet solutions for business
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