Date : Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:16:07 +0000
From : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Re: BBC 8271 commands
Firstly, I want to thank everyone who replied to me about this, especially
those who copied user manual text to me.
Mike, I cannot get my ROM to work under BeebEm either. Perhaps you have
a different version than I do?
Could you send me a copy of the one that worked for you?
In message <8mOc9QA7zQa3EwRO@...>
Mike Tomlinson <mike@...> wrote:
> In article <6f41901149%mikef@...>, Michael Foot
> <mikef@...> writes
> >By tracing the calls it does to the
> >8271 I've noticed it writing to &FE82,&FE83 and &FE86 and reading from
> If these locations do nothing, perhaps E00 DFS uses them to page in the
> 4k RAM that is included on the board? Seems unlikely though.
> >Does this DFS work under PCBBC for you?
> It worked under BeebEm for me.
Michael Foot <mikef@... >