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Date   : Wed, 19 May 1999 17:00:03 GMT
From   : "stephen gilbert" <stephengilbert@...>
Subject: Opus Challenger 3in1

I want to thanks those that replied to my email.

To answer some of the questions:

There are a few games that aren't at the various games
sites mentioned, so I will over the next month or so
uploaded them to the appropriate sites. Unfortunately
I'm stuck in Reading for a month, so I can;t get near
my B. back home in N.Ireland...and my other problem is
that the challenger disk drive is yet another format
that I don;t think FDC will recognise, so I will have to
move some stuff off those disks onto proper 80 track
double density.
(just for those that aren;t familiar with the challenger,
you can format a disk at double den. and then split each
side in partitions, ie drive 0a(256k), 0b (256), 0c (120);
drive 1a (256k), drive 1b (256), drive 1c (120) or
you could have 0a, 0b, 0c, 0d, 0e, 0f, 0g with smaller
partitions)...I haven;t looked at my B. for over a year
so I am only going of what I remember, I could be wrong.

I don;t have access to a PC with a 5 1/4 floppy disk, so
I think my only option is to make a lead up and copy the
games over using XFER.

Graham Bissest: To answer your Q. I have a 512K version.
If I got the Rom of you of the Challenger, I would
obviously need to write S/w to store the floppy disks into
a readable image format. Has anyone any ideas, or examples of
source code for DFS or ADFS or Watford, so I could attempt to do

The other stuff I mentioned below my name, e.g. copy programs,
and other interesting utilities, did work on my Challenger
system (for Graham's benefit). We as challenger users, did have problems 
from software
that refused to work on our systems, but by fooling the system
with *fx and other commands (which I can;t remember), made
the challenger feel like an ordinary disk system...therefore
finally getting the games to work.

again, for Graham, Yeah, if you can dig out your system, and get
those 50 or 60 disks converted, I will do the same and let everyone
know what exactly I have, there may be some forgotten stuff
on the way to some of you folk out there. (I'm sure alot of the stuff
is already in circulation).
For example, I have a version of Frak! that was called Fuck!
some hacked version, where the baddies were of naked women..
..sorry girls...a man's thing!!

talk to you later


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