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Date   : Wed, 19 May 1999 00:53:14 -0700
From   : "Ammitzboell, Benny" <benny.ammitzboell@...>
Subject: Re: Citadel

The cannon is in the well in the castle (you need to get the water emptied
out first - there's a switch above the well that you must throw to do  this
- and to enter this room you need a key as far as I remember). Go down the
well and then there's a room to the right where the cannon is. Will shoot a
hole in a brick wall so you can enter a room and get...? Something, which I

By the way - ever tried to jump on to the title screen of Citadel? You must
go to the far right of the game (across the water and beyond the temple on
the island) to the screen where a monster ("Hugo") prevents you from going
any further. Bring a trampoline and place it on the screen before the one
with the monster. Now, jump up and down on the trampoline - higher and
higher - and at the highest, jump to the right as much as you can - whoops,
you've entered the title screen (at least this is how I remember doing it

Benny Lønstrup Ammitzbøll    Voice:  (+45) 4488 6000
M.Sc.E.E.                    Fax:    (+45) 4488 6051
Software Design Engineer     Direct: (+45) 4488 6504
Research & Development       Email:  Benny.Ammitzboell@...
Intel Denmark ApS
Smedeholm 12-14              WWW:    http://www.intel.com or
DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark              http://hjem.get2net.dk/ammitzboell

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Chris Richardson [SMTP:chris@...]
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 19, 1999 7:39 AM
> To:	BBC Micro Mail List
> Subject:	[BBC-Micro] Citadel
> I received this from Nick
> Replies to me please:
> Chris
> I forgot to mention.....
> Citadel, I have completed the game sooooooo many times.
> However, years later I came back to it. I can everything apart from find
> where the gunpowder and cannon ball go.
> I can remember I have to load them into a cannon, but where it is, I
> just cant remember....
> Can you help me out, as I am going crazy.
> Cheers
> Nick
> -- 
> Chris Richardson 8-Bit Software
> The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library
> http://www.karoo.net/8bs
> mailto:chris@...
> ICQ: 35192957

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