Date : Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:09:33 +0200
From : "Robert Schmidt" <robert@...>
Subject: Re:_Lancaster_University_Utils_?
I tried looking there (I'm not the original poster), but couldn't find
anything Beeb-related anymore.
Back when I started "The BBC Lives!", I made a compressed snapshot of
what I found at HENSA, and put it in
Philip Blundell wrote:
> >Many years ago there were some utils supplied from, I believe,
> >Lancaster University. I remember Kermit, and a 6502/6512 Macro
> >Assembler.
> Did you try I haven't looked there for a few years, but
> this is where the archive formerly at Lancs moved to.
> p.
Robert Schmidt <robert@... > Software Engineer
Technoguide AS:
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