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Date   : Tue, 30 Mar 1999 09:35:09 +0200
From   : "Robert Schmidt" <robert@...>
Subject: Re: BBC tape to MP3 and back to Beeb

> That would allow you to transfer tapes to your PC.
> The next step would be to write software to take a BBC file image and
> generate a WAV file from it that can be played via a soundcard to LOAD the
> file into your BBC.

I have this vague notion that I've already seen such a program - i.e.
one that generates Beeb-compatible audio from data, but I can't find it
in the TBL! archives.  Does anybody else hear the bell?

> I think the idea of MP3s on a CD is not as good as tape files on a plain
> audio CD - with MP3s you still need a PC to load up the files.
> With an audio CD, you would still have masses of capacity, but would only
> need your BBC and a cheap CD walkman to load files.

Masses on a regular audio CD?  I had about 35 C-60 and C-90 tapes with
Beeb stuff (I never had a disk drive).  I'd rather be able to fit them
all onto a single CD-ROM with MP3, than having to make one audio CD for
each... :-)

Besides, I've heard rumors that audio CD-players already exist that are
able to read and decode MP3 files on ISO data tracks... (i.e. no PC
required) :-)

Robert Schmidt <robert@...           > Software Engineer
Technoguide AS: http://www.technoguide.no
Tel: +47 22510463  Fax: +47 22734749
Private: http://www.nvg.unit.no/~rsc
Tel: +47 22606076 

    jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
    jeg  lukker begge  og ser  alt            -- seigmen

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