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Date   : Fri, 19 Mar 1999 20:48:53 +0100
From   : Carlo Concari <conca@...>
Subject: Thank you David and Matt!

thanks to David Gorst's pointer, I finally found the Acorn Master
Compact ROMs... wow :-)

David Gorst wrote:

> There's a set of Master Compact ROM's at come.to/sysrom. If you have a
> problem give me a mail and I'll send them to you direct. What's the
> progress on your emulator anyway?

My emulator did not progress since the end of last summer (I'm very busy
with university and I have little time to improve it).
It features a perfect (as far as I know - after all, it runs the MOS :)
emulation of the 65SC12, including timing; system VIA with EEPROM and
keyboard (it even supports typematic settings within the Master, and
does not rely on the auto-repeat of the PC like all the other emus I
tried out :); a very basic mode 0.
It's written in 80x86 real mode ASM and thus it's very fast and small
(the .EXE file is 17KB).

I tried the ROMs with it and it doesn't seem to work correctly; it seems
to go into mode 7, write something and hang, but my emu displays the
video memory like if it was in mode 0, so I'll have to debug it to find
what's up... maybe in the weekend.

I'll send it to TBL as soon as I get it to work; if you want I can email
you the current version along with the Italian Olivetti ROMs.

Of course, thanks to Matt Forbes too, even if the site he pointed out
doesn't carry the Compact ROMs.


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