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Date   : Thu, 18 Mar 1999 13:12:54 +0000
From   : Matt.Forbes@...
Subject: Re: RE: Let's try again...


I'm new to the list, so forgive me if this address has been quoted 
previously - I only found this site a few days ago, but I think it 
has pretty much every concievable Acorn ROM -


Hope this helps.  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to 
contact me;  I can't guarantee to solve everything, but if I can help 
with problems, locations of files etc, I will



-----Original Message-----
From: dgorst 
Sent: 18 March 1999 11:03
To: conca; bbc-micro
Cc: dgorst
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Let's try again...


There's a set of Master Compact ROM's at come.to/sysrom. If you have a
problem give me a mail and I'll send them to you direct. What's the 
on your emulator anyway?


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlo Concari [mailto:conca@...]
Sent: 11 March 1999 06:40
To: BBC emulators mailing list
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Let's try again...

Hi everyone,
as some of you may know, I'm writing an emulator for my Olivetti 
PC 128 S, that's nothing but the Italian version of the Acorn Master
My emulator is currently working with the Italian version of the MOS,
but before I release it I'd want to make sure it also works with the
original UK ROMs.
I'd appreciate it a lot if someone could mail the UK Acorn Master
Compact ROMs to me!
I remember someone had them some time ago but never replied to my 
don't remember who this guy was anyway.
I'm searching for the MOS 5.10, BASIC 4, ADFS 2.10, UTILS 1.0.

Thank you,


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