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Date   : Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:52:25 -0000
From   : John Simpson <Simpson.J@...>
Subject: Re: 3.5 inch disc in Master

> I do still have a welcome disc, but for some reason it came with my Model
> B and not my master! What I was asking, and I really want to double check,
> is will move, or the file copyer, work copying files from one filing
> system to another. Because I'm almost certain you can't read DFS discs
> under ADFS. I may just be being stupid and that you can only not read DFS
> discs under RISC-OS ADFS.

I agree with you - as I remember you need to type *DISC, then * Load XXXX,
then *ADFS, then * Save XXXX.

If this is the case then you need to write a Basic program to do the copying
for you. This is not trivial, because you need to be able to read in the
filenames and attributes for all the files on the DFS disc (up to 31 of
them). This requires special Osword calls which I can't remember off-hand. 

You would need to put the program above the ADFS workspace (&1B00 I think on
the model B, &E00 on the Master). The main bit of the program would go like

FOR loop%=1 TO number_of_files%

	[read in filename, load/exec/length for one file and store in
appropriate variables]

	OSCLI "LOAD "+file$+" "+~loadaddr%
	OSCLI"SAVE "+file$+" "+~loadaddr%+" +"+~length%+" "+~exec%+"

Can anyone suppy the bit to go in the square brackets? Also, is my list of
arguments in the *SAVE command in the right order?

NB: this will load files over the screen memory, which will look messy but
will show that its working when it runs!


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