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Date   : Sun, 14 Mar 1999 18:57:39 +0000
From   : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: AMPLE Disks on-line

Fraser, Colin J wrote:

> I have put some disk images of the Hybrid Music System software on-line at
> http://www.octavo.demon.co.uk/colinf/m5000/m5000.htm

Hooray! I've just been up to Wakefield and picked up the whole of the old Mad
Rabbit PD library, together with my Music 5000 and the Ample library (and all
the unreleased Yorkshire Boys stuff).

Now I have everything apart from a serial lead and my registered copy of
PCBBC (which hopefully will arrive in the post soon) I will be turning as
much as possible over to my FTP site at ftp.jml.net. Mirror all you want.
There's also all the ROMs I wrote including jTerm and jMOS.

However, how do people want me to do this - in disk images for PCBBC (.adf or
.img I assume) or as discreet files, or as ARC archives?

> I will put a schematic for a Music 2000 compatible midi interface up
> shortly, so any music making beeb owners can try sequencing their equipment
> from their BBC with AMPLE.

Didn't the group "Erasure" used to do this, or was that from an EMR box?

I also have a circuit diagram for the BBC Micro sampler which the Yorkshire
Boys used to use for their sampling.

> Anyone fancy writing an emulator for the Music 5000 hardware, or adding midi
> support for Music 2000 emulation to an existing emulator ?

I did start doing this a while back, I will see if I can return to it -
worked off a SB-Pro in DOS - and whatever happens I will try and start anew.
Does anyone have any specs on file formats or tokens in AMPLE files which
they could chuck my way?

Best wishes,


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