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Date   : Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:33:32 -0000
From   : Peter Valuks <valukscl@...>
Subject: Re: Parity on Master ?

I have only just joined the list and gather from the attached that it is 
not just me that has had errors with XFER.  It runs fine on my 386, but not 
on my PII-450.

Since I have only just joined, I missed Mark's tip.  Please can someone 
forward this to me.

I have two other queries:

1) Does anyone have any experience of using a VGA monitor with a BBC, and 
if so can they spill the beans on how to connect it.

2) I have acquired a BBC teletext adapter, but alas no software or manuals. 
 Can anybody help me on what else I may required to get this up and running 
with my model B.

I have only recently started discovering the delights of the BBC B, having 
had a ZX81 and an Electron during my student days and only being able to 
envy those with rich enough parents to afford the Beeb.  Incidentally, my 
ZX81 packed up years ago and I am very keen to get a replacement for 
old-time's sake.  Again, if anyone could point me in the right direction I 
would be most grateful.


Peter Valuks

-----Original Message-----
From:	Fraser, Colin J [SMTP:Colin.Fraser@...]
Sent:	09 March 1999 09:29
To:	bbc-micro@...
Subject:	[BBC-Micro] Parity on Master ?

Thanks to Mark Ushers tip about 200MHz+ pentiums needing to be slowed down
to get rid of the runtime errors in XFER, I've got my BBC and my PC talking
again, but...
I can only get XFER to work with my model B. When I connect the PC to the
Master, it doesn't connect.
I tried connecting the Master up as a terminal, and only certain characters
seemed to get thru. Eventually I found if I turn on even parity on the PC,
they will speak to each other.
Does the Master have a parity option for it's serial port ?
Colin f

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