Date : Tue, 09 Mar 1999 01:16:50 -0600
From : "Rick Galbraith" <rick_galbraith@...>
Subject: (Fwd) RE: [Econet] Number of est. still using Econet
Forwarding this message that came up on the econet mailing list.
Some interesting topics come up there. Don't understand much
about econet myself, but seeing it is a topic on BBC Micro, why
not find out more about it from these guys?
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: Peter Janssen <pjanssen@...>
To: "'econet@...'" <>
Subject: RE: [Econet] Number of est. still using Econet
Date sent: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 15:41:32 +0100
Send reply to: econet@...
I have got the hard- and software from a school were the econet-network
(and the Acorn-computers) were made redundant. I have plugged it all
together and it worked the first time (the only big problem was retrieving
the password of SYST). The harddisk plugs into the 1Mhz-bus. You can
daisy-chain the econet. Don't forget to put the clock in between.
KR Peter Janssen
Op vrijdag 26 februari 1999 3:21, heeft Allan Reynolds
[SMTP:allan@...] geschreven: > > Peter Janssen wrote in message
<01BE610B.7BE6A440.pjanssen@...>... > >My small econet-network (level
3): > >server: BBC with second processor, 20 Mb hard disk (ATARI, MFM) >
>workstation 1: Master 128 > >workstation 2: BBC > >future expansion: 2
BBC's and a Master > >function: hobby and fun! > > > >This network is
connect to my PC via the RS232/RS423. > > > > > How do you have this set
up?? I am looking at doing the same thing here but > have had absolutely
no Acorn networking experience for the last 10 Years and > so I really
cant remember much about it and am at a loss as to where I > should start.
> > Allan > > > > >
Rick Galbraith, Winnipeg, Manitoba
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