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Date   : Sun, 07 Mar 1999 13:32:40 -0000
From   : "Christopher Hatton" <CHatton@...>
Subject: Torch Graduate


I own an 'upgrade' for the BBC Micro called the Torch Graduate. It is really
more of a PC that uses the BBC micro as its keyboard and graphics adapter.
However the manuals state that its twin drives can be used as BBC drives via
what it calls the GDFS. This must be loaded from a floppy disk which I do
not have. Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of this disk (or
possibly download one)? The fact that the Torch can be used in this way
implies that its hardware resources can be used from the BBC. Does anyone
know if it is possible to store information in its 256k of RAM. Indeed, were
there any third party utilities for this device. If anyone has any
information I would be grateful to hear from them.

Another, unrelated question is about Acorns Prestel adapter. Has anyone
documented the command set which this uses. I know it should be driven from
ROM but I haven't got the ROM and can't transfer is as BBC Xfer refuses to
run on my PC (the BBC side runs perfectly though!).


Chris Hatton

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