Date : Tue, 02 Mar 1999 15:30:58 -0800 (PST)
From : Angus Duggan <angus@...>
Subject: The TUBE, etc.
Tom Lees writes:
>Well, my emulator has progressed quite well so far (although I haven't done
>any graphics emulation yet), and I thought it might be fun to try to emulate
>the TUBE (in particular the 6502 second processor, which I found
>screen-shots of on The BBC Lives!).
>then it seems to hang (dunno if its to do with IRQs and keyboard input or
>what, but I don't even get a prompt). Also, I think the "BASIC^A^A^D" is
>printed FROM the host CPU, no the parasite. Do I need a special "TUBE BASIC"
No, the HiBasic just gave you more memory to play with, the normal basic
worked fine.
>1. Have I done something obvious wrong?
>2. Presumably the OS 1.2 doesn't contain complete TUBE support. So what does
>(on the Model A and B).
You need the Tube code which was in DNFS 1.2 and later. HDFS (search URL
below) contains this code.
>3. Why did it crash? :(
Pass. Remember that the Tube contained a 65C02, and used those extra
instructions in the Tube ROM.
>Also, any more specs on the TUBE, and the 6502 Second Processor, or others
>would be fully appreciated. I found the Torch Z80 ROMs at TBL, but couldn't
>find the support discs I seem to remember you needed.
Somewhere I have the Tube ULA specs, probably the same as you have, but
they won't be accessible for a while. When you do get it working, you can
test Elite-A to see if your emulator works :-) This code uses direct access
to the Tube hardware.
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