Date : Sat, 27 Feb 1999 10:48:42 -0000
From : "Thomas Elliott" <teejay@...>
Subject: Re: BBC to PC Transfer
-----Original Message-----
From: Gareth Boden <Gareth.Boden@...>
To: 'bbc-micro@...' <>
Date: 26 February 1999 19:16
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] BBC to PC Transfer
>> Given the need to upgrade the A310 to work with a 5.25"
>> drive, I suggest
>> that you buy an old BBC with disk drive and link the Beeb to
>> the Arc using
>> Econet.
>Or a serial cable.
I know about serial cables, but know little about econet. Is there anywhere
on the net I can find info on cabling, setting up etc?
I Thank You
Tom Live Dangerously...
\\||||// From the desk of _____ _____ ... and have fun!!
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and are (c) February 26, 1999