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Date   : Fri, 26 Feb 1999 16:41:31 -0000
From   : John Simpson <Simpson.J@...>
Subject: Re: BBC to PC Transfer

On Friday, February 26, 1999 2:43 PM, Fraser, Colin J
[SMTP:Colin.Fraser@...] wrote:
> Thanks Dave, John and Chris for the replies.
> The Archie has RiscOs 3 and I'm using 3.5 inch discs on the Beeb, so it
> seems like I should be able at least to read ADFS disks.
> I have ADFS on my Master, so if I need to I can always transfer my DFS
> to ADFS before transferring them to the PC.
> I've downloaded ZAP from Hensa. I guess the next challenge will be to find
> mouse and monitor that will work with the 310 and see if it powers up !

You should have no problems with this set-up. I transferred all my BBC disks
to my Arc using exactly this method. Also, RiscOS 3 writes PC disks

The only bit I don't quite understand is how you can make DFS disc images
via this method. You could format the 3.5 inch disks as DFS, read them using
!DFS on the Arc and make images with Zap, but I don't know whether this
would work (is !DFS a true filing system?). The other possible way would be
if there is some Risc OS software which can assemble a set of files into a
DFS disk image. This is possible, since quite a few BBC-related utilities
exist. I'll check.

Failing this, you could transfer all the files individually.


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