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Date   : Fri, 26 Feb 1999 13:53:48 -0000
From   : John Simpson <Simpson.J@...>
Subject: Re: BBC to PC Transfer

On Friday, February 26, 1999 11:48 AM, Fraser, Colin J
[SMTP:Colin.Fraser@...] wrote:
> I've tried everything I can find to read BBC disks directly on my PC with
> luck.
> I have an old Archimedes 310 in a cupboard that hasn't been powered up in
> years because the mouse got lost.
> IIRC the Archie will read and write DFS, ADFS and 720k MSDOS disks.
> Is that right ?
Its partially true. Archies will certainly read/write L-format ADFS disks.
They can't read DFS though, without additional software (usually included as
part of the extra *hardware* you need to attach a 5.25" disk drive). 720k
DOS discs can be read with the drive in the A310 but you will need a bit of
free software to do it if the machine doesn't have Risc OS 3.1 fitted.

> And if so, is there any software that will create a disk image from a BBC
> disk on an Archimedes that I can then transfer to the PC on a FAT disk ?

Probably, yes.

Given the need to upgrade the A310 to work with a 5.25" drive, I suggest
that you buy an old BBC with disk drive and link the Beeb  to the Arc using


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