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Date   : Mon, 22 Feb 1999 10:06:44 -0000
From   : "Fraser, Colin J" <Colin.Fraser@...>
Subject: Re: Ample Software

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Rowbottom [mailto:joel@...]
> Sent: 20 February 1999 23:29
> To: Chris Richardson
> Cc: BBC Micro Mail List
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Ample Software
> At 14:54 20/02/99 +0000, Chris Richardson wrote:
> >I am trying to put together a collection of Music 500/5000/Ample
> >software to put on to the 8BS website. If anyone can help by 
> mailing me
> >copies, I would appreciate it.
> Even better, if someone can start MP3ing M5000 stuff, that 
> would be cool
> also...

I recently picked up a Music 5000, Music 4000, and currently have a loan of
a Music 2000, which I reverse engineered.
I've got a few disks of AMPLE tracks, mostly very cheesy indeed ;-)
There's a couple of 'albums' - Cosmix, and Ample Bytes Back IIRC

My main interest in life is electronic music, primarily using analogue
The first synth I ever owned was a Music 500, which was sold many years ago
when the BBC B was upgraded to an Archie. I got one again mostly out of
nostalgia, but also potentially to use it in my music.
I hate using a PC for music making, too much operating system in the way.
Instead I run a sequencer I wrote for the BBC with a home made midi

I'll be happy to send you copies of the software I have, Chris.
What's the best format for you ?
I have the facilities for mp3 encoding too, if anyone else is interested in
hearing it.

I can provide the system software too, and details of the construction of
the Music 2000 midi interface if anyone wants to have a bash at controlling
midi keyboards from AMPLE. It would only cost about 20 quid in parts to
build a copy of one.
You can do this without a Music 5000.

BTW I have an article about the music 5000 internals on my website (
http://www.octavo.demon.co.uk/colinf/m5000/m5000.htm )

Colin f

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