Date : Tue, 05 Jan 1999 19:47:32 +0000
From : Stuart William McConnachie <stuart@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Microvitec Cub monitors.
In message <199901041201.NAA08400@...>, Robert Schmidt
<robert@...> writes
>Sorry, I do not have any information to help you. I am sending a copy
>of this reply to the BBC micro mailing list, so maybe somebody there
>will get back to you...
>Fraser MacIntosh wrote:
>> Dear Robert,
>> Sorry to send uncolicited email but I have just dug out some of
>> my old BBC Master setup and I need to get a copy of the Microvitec CUB
>> (1431/MS4) service manual. Do you know anyone with such a manual or do
>> you know their wherebouts? I have searched all over the web and you are
>> the only source for old BBC stuff that I can find.
I have a copy of the complete circuit diagram. It's been through the
copier a few times, but is just about still readable.
Stuart McConnachie (stuart@... )
43 The Hollows, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 2ES, UK
Mobile: 0966 224307