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Date   : Sun, 03 Jan 1999 10:58:52 +0100
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Using PC keyboards & PC cases

> On a similar subject, on request from a customer I made an experiental 5m
> keyboard extension lead (yes 5 metres!).  I plugged it in and turned it on
> and to my utter amazement it worked!  At one point I was standing at one
> end of the room holding the keyboard, and watching at the other end as I
> typed things in.  I was so far away, I couldn't make out the text!

Was this on a Beeb or arc ?
Also what cable did you use ? Shielded / non-shielded.

IIRC Mike T. did mention that he had quite happily used up to 2 metre ribbon
cable extensions to the BBC keyboard.

Strange really that you should post this as I was thinking something similar
this last week. I have just transplanted my BBC into a PC Tower casing which
is an unbelievable improvement on space around my desk. Both 5.25 drives and
one 3.5 drive have gone in the case, two hard drives, the hard drive adapter
boards, a co-pro board - also wired up to the turbo switch :-) - the reset
switch also neatly attached (although a reset never works correctly when I
turn on the co-pro and then reset - it always boots to the * prompt instead
of >).

I also made a little adapter from 5pin domino to a 9 subD that now is on the
back of the casing, so I can use all the standard PC serial cables and not
have to worry about ordering more 5 pin domino plugs. It also saves the
socket on the BBC from wear. Done the same with the printer port, an
extension cable going to the back of the PC case with a 25 way socket for a
standard printer cable, and of course there is a little extension for both
the RGB, analogue, econet, and two phone jacks for sound all neatly mounted
on the backplane.

It also is vast improvement for the power supply. With a little adapter you
can use the PC case PSU to drive the BBC mainboard, and all the other
peripherals use the standard connectors. A big improvement on the plug

All I have to do is respray the case and somehow make a decent keyboard

BBC Documentation Project
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