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Date   : Fri, 25 Dec 1998 11:21:03 +0000
From   : Richard Harker <rich@...>
Subject: Re: Hardware queries

In message <5TZNAJAOw1g2Ew2I@...>
          Mike Tomlinson <mike@...> wrote:

> In article <359796b948%rich@...>, Richard Harker
> <rich@...> writes
> >I also have a Torch Z80 Disc Pack. I'm sure there should be more to this
> >than meets the eye. A quick peek inside shows that there's only two disk
> >drives and a PSU, so why is has it got 'Z80' in the name?
> The Z80 card was supplied separately and is not fitted in the disc
> drive, but inside the Beeb.  If you can locate the machine that the Z80
> disc pack was used with, the Z80 card is probably still inside it.

Unfortunatley I don't appear to have one of these. The Disc Pack was my
dads (he's gradually giving me all his BBC stuff as it is no longer needed),
and I've got all his BBC Bs, but there's no Z80 card, or even manuals for
one. :-(

BTW, What's the longest a disk drive cable can be? I kept getting errors
when writing using my recently-ish aquired 3.5" drive. I put a shorter
cable on it and it now works. Is there a reccomended length, or anything
like that?

Cheers, Rich.

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