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Date   : Thu, 29 Oct 1998 11:07:18 -0000
From   : "Fraser, Colin J" <Colin.Fraser@...>
Subject: Music 5000

I've just received a couple of boxes of BBC bits and pieces which I swapped
for an Atari Falcon...

They contained a heap of Beeb hardware - 3 BBC micros (2 in desktop cases)
with Watford and Solidisk FDCs, Quest mouse, WE Adder eprom programmer,
Aries B32 RAM board, Two-Meg board,  etc... etc...

I also got a Music 5000 synthesizer, and Music 4000 keyboard.
There was a load of software with them, but unfortunately no documentation,
and many of the disks seem to have errors.
I had a Music 500 myself until 10 years ago, but I can't remember much of
the Ample syntax...
I have the Music 5000 system disc with the Ample ROM image, but not much

Can any kind soul with a Music 5000 help out ?

I'm looking for a copy of the manuals for the 5000 and 4000 if possible, and
any other Ample related documentation of software you might have.

I now have a spare copies of the BBC User Guide, and Advanced User Guide, if
that makes a tempting swap for anyone.

Colin f

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