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Date   : Mon, 19 Oct 1998 17:53:21 +0200
From   : "Robert Schmidt" <robert@...>
Subject: Re: JOY-STICK for BBC Micro

Hi Mick!

Well, most games using joysticks did assume analogue ones, so it's
hardly a BBC software problem.  Digital joysticks were quite rare, and
how to wire one up I'm not sure - I've sent a copy of this reply to the
BBC micro mailing list (see
http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/betresource.shtml#mail if your not currently
subscribed), so maybe someone there can help.

A simple and more explicit way to test your wiring is to write a short
BASIC program to repeatedly print the values of ADVAL(0), ADVAL(1),
ADVAL(2), ADVAL(3) and ADVAL(4).

The first should show the state of the fire button(s), while the last
four are measurements of the movements in X and Y directions for the two

See page 202 on ADVAL in the BBC User's Guide, found in the
documentation section of "The BBC Lives!".  (The page number in your
paper copy may vary.)

Mick Cottingham wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have wired up an analogue joystick for the BBC Micro, according to the
> Advanced Users Guide, but programs downloaded through links from your
> *excellent* BBC Lives Website don't want to talk to it. My question: Is
> there
> a digital version of  the Joystick and what are the connections? Or is
> there
> some other problem?
> Hope you can help.
> Best wishes,
> Mick.
> =============================================================
> Mick Cottingham                       Tel: +44 1 115 951 3349
> Network Management Assistant
> Cripps Computing Centre               Fax: +44 1 115 951 3358
> University of Nottingham
> Nottingham  NG7 2RD    (UK)  Mick.Cottingham@...
>     http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~cczmick/home.html
> =============================================================

Robert Schmidt <robert@...           > Software Engineer
Technoguide AS: http://www.technoguide.no
Tel: +47 22510463  Fax: +47 22734749
Private: http://www.nvg.unit.no/~rsc
Tel: +47 22606076 

    jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
    jeg  lukker begge  og ser  alt            -- seigmen

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