Date : Wed, 30 Sep 1998 21:11:58 +0100
From : Michael Borcherds <emulators@...>
Subject: Re: FW: Wanted: Quest??
In message <vNigcVAtjSE2EwEP@...>
Stuart William McConnachie <stuart@...> wrote:
> In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.980929115910.19228A-
> 100000@...>, Chris Evans <>
> writes
> >2) Do the games also come with versions transferred to PC-disk, for
> >convenience of emulation?
> I think we should draw up a petition, to be passed to Superior, asking
> for their games to be made available in the popular PC emulator formats
> too. I'm prepared to host this, and have set up a mailbox:
> mailto:superior@...
A couple of points about this:
1) Warm Silence Software, who sell my emulator, contacted Superior
Software about 2 or 3 years ago. I don't think they (he!) actually had
unprotected versions of their software, and also seemed unsure as to
wherther their licensing agreements allowed for distribution of
altered versions (eg Elite, Exile).
[WSS were also looking into a BBC games CD, but Superior were asking too
much per game for it to be worthwhile]
2) Superior do sell Master Compact stuff on 3.5" disc. It is protected
but it can be run by emulating OSWORD &72. (on my computer ADFS is the
native filing system and so does the rest :)
Mostly, it can be snapshoted once loaded.
I've put a file at the end of this email detailing which ones run
under OS 1.2 etc.
3) ProAction (who I can't seem to find contact details for) did/do
sell some Superior stuff - they might be worth contacting.
6502Em: Superior Software Games
Exile - Master Compact Version
This will run happily in Master 128 or Master Compact mode.
Alternatively, the supplied application !RunExile (in the Utils
directory) will allow it to be run with just the BBC B ROMs (OS 1.2).
OSCLI "LOAD ExileL" : ?&921=&EA : ?&922=&EA : ?&923=&EA : CALL &900
Repton Infinity - Master Compact version
Repton Infinity will only run in Master Compact mode.
You should double-click on 'Infinity' to run it.
Play it Again Sam - Master Compact version
This version of Citadel will only run with the Master 128
or Compact ROMs.
(The 5.25" version works fine under OS 1.2)
Play it Again Sam 5 - Master Compact version
Imogen will run happily in Master Compact mode.
Alternatively, the supplied application !RunImogen (in the Utils
directory) will allow it to be run with just the BBC B ROMs (OS 1.2).
OSCLI "LOAD G" : ?&921=&EA : ?&922=&EA : ?&923=&EA : ?&9E2=1 : CALL &900
Play it Again Sam 10 - Master Compact version
This version of Zalaga will only run with the Master 128
or Compact ROMs.
(The original Aardvark version of Zalaga works on OS 1.2)
Play it Again Sam 12 - Master Compact version
By Fair Means or Foul does not work in BBC B mode as supplied
To patch it, first copy the files BOOT,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C
onto another disc.
Then load !6502Em
Then double-click on the copy of BOOT (to set the emulator's CSD)
Then press <Ctrl>-Break
Then type:
*SAVE BOOT 400+264 465
Then press f12 (to exit the emulator)
Then double-click on BOOT again, and it should then
run normally
Play it Again Sam 15 - Master Compact version
Network uses a BASIC IV feature (VDU23,1|) so to
run it in BBC B mode, just double-click on 'NETWOR0'.