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Date   : Fri, 31 Jul 1998 10:14:49 +0200
From   : "Robert Schmidt" <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Tapes/Disks

> I have a program to let me load 'locked' files but I dont know where to go
> from there in terms of loading at an appropriate memory address and with the
> correct length and execution addresses. I have messed around a lot but the
> programs never work after saving them.
> Could anyone please give me a step-by-step guide in 'simple' terms how to do
> this?

If somebody posts the trick to load a locked file, I'll put it in the
FAQ (http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/faq.html).  You might still find
something useful there, though.

DFS systems leave less memory for programs, so tape programs that assume
all memory from &E00 upwards is available will typically fail because
the DFS workspace gets corrupted.  Modifying the game load at a
different base address is messy, especially for multifile games.

One trick is to use a "Tape-to-Disk" ROM/software which serializes the
tape files to a disk file.  Such a conversion can only be loaded/run by
the correct ROM, though.  Look in

You should consider decoding the tapes on your PC.  The programs for
this (http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc/software.html) don't care about locked
files, and has been used to add a big chunk of the software in the
archive at "The BBC Lives!" (http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/bbc).

Robert Schmidt <robert@...           > Software Engineer
Technoguide AS: http://www.technoguide.no
Tel: +47 22510463  Fax: +47 22734749
Private: http://www.nvg.unit.no/~rsc
Tel: +47 22606076 

    jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
    jeg  lukker begge  og ser  alt            -- seigmen

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