Date : Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:27:31 +0100
From : Chris Richardson <chris@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC power on
Hey Robert!
You forgot 8BS!
I have several WAV files of various machines being switched on. It is my
start up sound. You will find the files on the 8BS website.
Robert Schmidt wrote:
> Robert Doyle (Digital) wrote:
> >
> > Hi Robert,
> >
> > Congrats on such a cool site, I never owned a Beeb but a friend of mine
> > owned 4 (!) (why didn't I borrow one...) and I used to love it, especially
> > the way you could nest assembly code in BASIC programs. Anyway, I'm looking
> > for a WAV (or any sample format really) of the double beep sound that the
> > Beebs made when you powered them on, you know, the low-high beep. Recently
> > radio station in Dublin put it in a jingle, which I'll sample if I
can catch
> > it. I'll send you it if I do.
> > Do you know anywhere I can get that sound?
> Hi Robert! :)
> This topic (the double beep) was up on the BBC micro mailing list some
> time ago. It seems the first, deeper beep was not an intentional one,
> but rather induced by "something" during the boot-up sequence. The
> second beep should be easy enough to recreate, and some of the emulators
> do.
> I think somebody posted an URL where a sample could be found. Is ti
> still out there, guys?
> --
> Robert Schmidt <robert@...> Software Engineer
> Technoguide AS:
> Tel: +47 22510463 Fax: +47 22734749
> Private:
> Tel: +47 22606076
> jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
> jeg lukker begge og ser alt -- seigmen
Chris Richardson 8-Bit Software
The BBC and Master Computer User Group and Public Domain Library