Date : Sun, 12 Jul 1998 00:57:14 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: [None]
[BBC-Micro] BBC Micro Modem & Internet use?
bbc-list@... (Theo Markettos) wrote:
> I've sucessfully used a Beeb for reading mail and news, when a dodgy
I've been using my Beeb for internal email and newsgroups since last
september; I would have done so earlier if I'd realised why my serial port
wasn't working.
> Phil Blundell (IIRC) has written a telnet client for Beebs over Econet -
> if you had a suitable server, you could do things like 'telnet
> 80' and read the raw HTML - an increasing difficult task
I'd be /very/ interested in that. I'll have to track it down, unless
somebody could mail it to me.
> There is a free 6502 TCP/IP stack available, which runs on a free
> multithreaded OS primarily designed to run on C64 hardware (have a look
> at Any Beeb
> hackers fancy porting it? ;-)
I'll give it a go. Hmmm... I'll have to spend another afternoon at the
Internet caf‚ grabbing loads of webfiles.
Robert Schmidt <rsc@...> wrote:
> Getting or building an adapter so that he can use any old RS-232 modem
> in the BBC's RS-432 should not be a problem. [snip] I guess part of the
> question is now how old a modem does he have to track down? Can he
Why would you want to use an old modem? Just wander into a shop and buy
any external modem. (On a practical note, don't bother to pay extra money
for extra fast modems capable of more than 19.2kbaud as the Beeb's serial
port's maximum speed is 19.2k, and with anything faster, the modem will be
buffering everything.)
Mark Usher wrote:
> Correct. There is an implementation of the TCP/IP stack available for the
> BBC. Though as yet I haven't toyed with it.
Ooohh ooooo, where????? Gimmie gimmie.
J.G.Harston (JGH BBC PD Library) 70 Camm Street, Walkley, SHEFFIELD S6 3TR
BBC+Master / Z80+6502 / CoPro+Tubes / Econet+SJ / Devolution / Transport /
Planning / Highways
jgh@... (( Anti-UCE address added by Arcade, not by me ))
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