Date : Sun, 14 Jun 1998 11:06:48 +0200
From : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: bbc > vga
> BBC to VGA monitor
> ------------------------
> I recall Mike Cook wrote about this in his series of Body Build
> Articles for Micro User a few years back.
> Look at :
Yes, or some monitors take green as the sync signal.
I built this circuit and it works pretty well. The problem is the beeb
outputs the horizontal at 15.something KHz (CGA standard) and the VGA
standard is exactly double that at 31.somthing. I then wired a sync doubler
from one of the amiga pages into this circuit and produced the required
output. I got a rock steady output on my VGA monitor, the only problem was
that it was replicated 3 times across the screen.
If anyone thinks they can solve the last problem I'm willing to give you the
details of what I built. It would be nice to get this working on standard
Mark Usher