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Date   : Fri, 29 May 1998 19:24:10 +0100
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: Re: 32k Shadow RAM Boards?

In article <>,
Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...> writes

>What I would most like to know is what 32k Shadow
>RAM Boards can be fitted to my machine, in view of the fact that a ATPL
>Sidewise ROM expansion board + the 1772 upgrade board are already fitted.

The Watford unit works.  I have had an ATPL ROM board, a 1770, a Torch
z80, two battery backed sideways RAM boards, a Solidisk RTC, and a
Watford 32k shadow RAM card all working well inside my standard BBC
case.  PSU got a tad warm <g>  FWIW, I still have all that except the
RTC, the 1770 and the Z80 and it still works to this day.

>Also, how do you mount an internal TUBE co-processor board?  I'm thinking
>of the 65c02 here.

You can't.  Look for a second hand Watford external co-processor box.
This allows you to use Master second processor cards (65c02 Turbo and
512 board) with the standard Beeb.  It's in a heavy-duty metal case with
a flip-lid, which, while not as attractive as the Acorn second processor
unit, is much easier to plug 2p cards into.

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the rite, for he knows not what actually fixed the problem."
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