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Date   : Mon, 25 May 1998 23:09:57 -0600
From   : "Rick Galbraith" <ricgal@...>
Subject: Re: Ideas on new hardware

Jon Ripley wrote:

>Another half-idea that I had would be to squeeze these three DFS's together
>onto one chip, each one sharing common code, whilst being individually
Solidisk had a similar thing with some of the DFS/ADFS chips that I've seen,
a disc of one type would be recognised even if the other filing system was
selected.  I don't think that they shared any code though.
IMHO it would be difficult if not impossible to integrate the code into a
single 16k ROM, if it was possible it would have been done by now.

ISTR reading that the DFS was blown into the ADFS roms, and that the user
could select
which he needed to use. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Anyway, I do have an article on the original 1770/ADFS upgrade transcribed
from the Canadian 
BBC user group newsletter, Oak Leaves. It is on my site as
http://www.pangea.ca/~ricgal/adfs.html    | BBC TOPIC

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