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Date   : Sun, 24 May 1998 17:32:49 +0100
From   : jonripley@... (Jon Ripley)
Subject: BBC Year 2000 bug fix

A few years ago I wrote a short sideways RAM program that makes the computer
think that it is the 21st century.
It should work with any BBC with a real time clock that uses the BBC Master
calls.  I haven't tested it with any BBC emulators but there's no reason why
it shouldn't work.
It can be loaded in sideways RAM or blown into a ROM (if you want to).  It
is compatible with all the usual ROM joiners that allow you to have several
ROMs on one chip.
I was going to wait a while before making it available since it really isn't
of much use at the moment but if anyone is interested I may release it as a
freeware product.
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