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Date   : Mon, 18 May 1998 17:37:13 +0100
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: New Disk Drives For Sale


On an impulse, I decided to check round manufacturers of Floppy Disk drives
to see if they had any old 5.25 inch drives in stock which they would be
willing to sell to me, as I desparatly need a new floppy drive of that
sort.  I know some of you have switched to 3.5 inch drives, but every beeb
owner needs at least one 5.25 inch drive to use all the original software

Anyhow, Mitsubishi have replied to me stating that they have 2 boxes of 10,
brand new (well never used and in original boxes), 80t drives, which they
would be willing to pass on to me at a cost of 20 quid a drive.  I'm not
sure if they would only allow them to be bought in boxes of 10 or singly,
but I would think it would be the former option.

So, who wants one?  I would like to make an order for these drives, but I
can't pay 200 quid for 10 drives when I only need at the most two!  Heres
some info on them:


Darker grey bezel, unified screw thread.  80t no switch to 40t.

More info as I get it, but is there any of you who would be interested in
one or two of these nice drives?  I want to make an order for 10 of them,
but if there is more demand than expected then I suppose I could get all 20.

Crispin Boylan - viewtronix@...

SWOS Page - http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~viewtronix
BBC Micro Games Archive - http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~viewtronix/beeb/

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