Date : Wed, 06 May 1998 19:26:45 +0100
From : Mike Tomlinson <jasper@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Micro Speech chip
>WSCC wrote:
>> I own a BBC B with loads of extras roms and recently got given the official
>> acorn speech synthesis chips, as mentioned in one of your web pages. I
>> have no idea on how to get it to work. *FX codes are mentioned in the BBC
>> user manual, but it keeps refering me to the speech chip user manual, which
>> I haven't got. Any help would be appreciated.
I have the Speech System installation manual and user guide, if you
would like to buy them.
The words are spoken by the former BBC newsreader Kenneth Kendall.
SOUND -1,198,0,0 produces the word "first".
SOUND -1,160,0,0 produces the word "Acorn".
The manual has a full list of available words and a technical reference.
To see what words are available,
20 SOUND -1,GET,0,0
30 UNTIL 0
run this and press keys. Ctrl-G makes him have a heart attack.
Mike Tomlinson
"Watch me not care." - Dogbert