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Date   : Wed, 06 May 1998 11:09:26 +0100
From   : Chris Johns <cmjohns@...>
Subject: Speech


> WSCC wrote:
>>I own a BBC B with loads of extras roms and recently got given the official
>>acorn speech synthesis chips, as mentioned in one of your web pages.  I
>>have no idea on how to get it to work.  *FX codes are mentioned in the BBC
>>user manual, but it keeps refering me to the speech chip user manual, which
>>I haven't got.  Any help would be appreciated.

If its the one I think it is (the Speech Synth chip and PhROMs then try using
the SOUND command. From memory it's

SOUND -16,x,0,0 where x is the number of the word in the PhROM.

I had the US version of the speech stuff, I think the UK version may of used
a different value for the first paramater, so if it doesn't make a noise then
try -15... or -17,x,0,0 instead.

If you want to see what the words are a loop that says the world and then
prints its number then waits for a key will do (thats what I used, along
with an 'manual analogue logging device' (ie. a pen and some paper) ;-))

I don't think there were many words either, you could make it say a few
things, but nothing very useful. I think the JCB game used it, it said
"J C B" when it loaded ;)
dyw genes ..
 /o o\  Chris Johns     e-mail: cmj@...   
 \ | /  -----------     'phone: 0802583308
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dyw genes ..
 /o o\  Chris Johns     e-mail: cmj@...   
 \ | /  -----------     'phone: 0802583308
 ^^ ^^

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