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Date   : Mon, 27 Apr 1998 22:41:17 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Single to Dual Drive Conversion


>I've got to connect both the 5 1/4" and 3 1/2" drives to the BBC at the
>same time!

>So, does anyone remember how to connect two disk single disk drives to
>form a dual drive?  I know I'm going to have to find the drive select
>jumper inside one of my drives (either that or exchange the drive select
>lines on the cable) and I seem to remember something about pull up
>resistors too?  Does anyone have some more detailed instructions, or a
>little advice having done this before?

Oh easy peasy pudding and pie.
You need

1) A drive cable that will take both drives. You can use a PC floppy drive
cable - one of the older ones that still has the 5.25 connector on it. You
will have to "remove" the twist in the cable though. Gently prize off the
connector, untwist the cable, align the connector back on the cable and
squeeze all back together using a vice. Failing that use the kitchen drawer
to hold it in place and then give the drawer a good whack with a hammer,
being carefull at the same time not to dint the woodwork.

2) The PC drive (3.5) is default jumpered as DS1 and your BBC drive will
probably be DS0 so nothing to worry about there. Attach them all together,
and overload your BBC power supply by hanging everything on it using
splitter cables.

3) Power on. Test the drives with a known good disc. Preferably one that you
haven't backed up anywhere, as you are bound to lose everything on it if
something goes wrong.

4) If you are still getting a few problems, then you should remove the
terminator from DS0. Quite how you got the video in the drive in the first
place is beyond me, but get it out anyhow.

5) Goto 3.  Whoops I mean Proc3

6) If it is now working then I have failed miserably, if it is still not
working then swear violently, eat some chocolate, and go and have a lie down
and think about what a sod I am for getting your hopes up.


....and as if by magic the shopkeeper appeared.

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