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Date   : Tue, 14 Apr 1998 13:36:59 +0100
From   : Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
Subject: UVIPROM eprom programmer?

Anyone remember the UVIPROM eprom programmer from Ground Control?

This is an eprom programmer on a small cct board which attaches to the
Beeb's user port.  It was supplied very cheaply as a bare board unit,
and came with a ROM written by Solidisk with *TEST, *READ, *BLOW etc.

Can anyone remember if this had to have a hardware mod to use the *UPPER
and *LOWER commands to blow the two halves of a 32k EPROM, or was this
built in as standard?  I need to blow a 32K ROM for a PC video card and
cannot remember whether the Uviprom needed to be modified to support
*Upper and *Lower.

If anyone wants a copy of the instructions to modify the Uviprom to blow
12.5v eproms as well as 21v units, I can scan them and stick 'em on my


Mike Tomlinson
"Watch me not care."  - Dogbert

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