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Date   : Sun, 12 Apr 1998 10:42:53 +0100
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: DFS Workspace Mover


I have an APTL Sideways ROM/RAM board, and with the manual it has an advert
for some software by APTL, one of the descriptions is this:

DFS-SHIFT - 10.00 + (50p P+p)
Available for ACORN 0.90 and 1.2 DFS only, moves the workspace required by
the DFS into Sideways RAM allowing reclamation of DFS workspace.  Note,
either ACORN DFS 0.90 or 1.2 MUST be resident in ROM in your system.

Does anyone know how this could be done?  Better still, does anyone have a
program which could do this?  

I would be really interested if someone had something like this - it would
be invaluable for me to copy tapes to disk.

Please help!

P.S - Is it bad for the cassette relay to click open and shut very fast?  I
was playing a game that did this when you got onto the high score table!

Crispin Boylan - viewtronix@...
"See ya, don't wanna be ya. Lunch me. Pond scum." - Michael Stipe, REM, NAIHF.
Don't take offence at this sig, it is a line from one of my fav songs.

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