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Date   : Tue, 07 Apr 1998 12:24:23 +0100
From   : Crispin Boylan <viewtronix@...>
Subject: BBC Hard Disks


As it so hard to find a hard drive and interface which would work with the
BBC, I was wondering - why not use a PC hard disk instead?  If you had a pc
as well, you could serial link the two together, and use some of the PC's
hard drive space as a BBC partition?  I know it would mean partitioning the
hard disk in a certain way - but could it be done?

I'm not really too sure, as PC's are usually IDE, I suppose it would need
modifications to the filing system on the BBC, and possibly some kind of
program on the PC??

It's probably a wacky idea, I'm just wondering if it could work.


Crispin Boylan - viewtronix@...
"See ya, don't wanna be ya. Lunch me. Pond scum." - Michael Stipe, REM, NAIHF.
Don't take offence at this sig, it is a line from one of my fav songs.

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