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Date   : Sun, 29 Mar 1998 11:17:43 +0200
From   : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: [BeebEmul8] New User - Various Questions


>Anyway, I'm soon gonna dig out my old Model B (which hasn't been
>powered-up for about 10 years!) and see if it still works. I've got a
>horrible feeling tht none of the old tapes and disks will load
I think you might get a nice surprise. So long as there is not a tremendous
amout of dust on the disks and tapes they'll probably be OK.

>And what's the deal with the Acornsoft/Superior Software not being
>available? I understand that Superior hold the rights to this stuff.
>I could understand them preventing their games being posted to the
>net if they were still actively selling - but they don't appear to
>be. (If they are surely they should have a web-site?) What

That is the point. They are still actively selling both the Acornsoft and
Superior software. They do also own the rights to other software companies
titles and have released those to the public domain eg. A & F.
They don't have a web site - but can easily be contacted. The address is on
the BBC lives page - what's new I think.

Mark Usher

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