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Date   : Tue, 24 Mar 1998 01:01:37 +0000
From   : "Rick Galbraith" <rick_galbraith@...>
Subject: shortforms

> Date:          Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:56:13 +0000
> To:            bbc-micro@...
> From:          Mike Tomlinson <jasper@...>
> Reply-to:      Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
> Subject:       Re: [BBC-Micro] ADFS error message

I read in your dispatches cryptic shortforms like:
> I remember the message, but not what it means :-(  Does Break/Ctrl Break
> clear it?  ISTR it could be corrupt ADFS workspace, caused by programs
> assuming DFS is present and relocating themselves into ADFS workspace.
> I also STR it being a repeating error - the screen filled with it.
I know that ADFS is the Advanced Disk Filing System, where DFS was 
the older Disk Filing System.  But it took long enough to figure out 
that ISTR stood for "I seem to remember".
Another submitter always seemed to use somethings like ADAIRS or 
something similar. (AFAIRS? Could that be, "As far as I remember 
Type it out. Sure, it takes a little bit more work and space, but it 
may be easier for some to read.


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